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Enjoy a BETTER SAFER Sexlife
We're not anonymous
but you are
share your status not your name
Safe is Sexy.
Share your test anonymously with...
knowledge is power
SextraSafe contributes to sexual health organizations
Simple and Secure
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About us

SextraSafe enables you to anonymously share your sexual health status.

We have been independently and confidentially verifying STD tests for over 20 years.

Did you know?
1/2 of all new STIs happen to people under 25.
Did you know?
You should be talking to your partners about getting tested and knowing your status.
Did you know?
You can get cheap or even free STI tests in many cities.
Did you know?
Most people with STIs don't have any symptoms at all.
Secure and Confidential

Your personal data is removed on request or after 90 days of inactivity.

We follow industry standards for data destruction - your information cannot be recovered

Our encryption and cryptographic key management practices safeguard your information.

We are compliant with all US and EU privacy laws including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
©Twinmark Corporation Ltd., Nicosia, CY.